
Friday, June 24, 2016

Life Lately

Ryan went for his 347th haircut last week ;) and then got a special treat from the treasure box there. ...confession: I've considered teaching Matt how to cut my hair to justify what we pay for this little man to get his hair cut- this little shop is so stinking cute though, and Mrs. Yaya (great name for a kids hairdresser, right?!) cuts his hair in 3 minutes, and I'm clearly a sucker.

We were introduced to this little duck pond in Smyrna and took Matt there last Friday night- Ryan got to feed the fish and turtles and see the baby ducks and then got to play on the little play ground there before heading home- such a fun little night!

Ryan asked if his "friends" from his crib could watch him take a bath the other night. The ideas little people come up with :)

Andrea and I met at Target to buy some supplies for a Father's Day craft (confession: my "craft" idea was having Ryan draw Matt a picture and I actually needed to take a trip to Target to stock up on drawing supplies... if you know me, this isn't all that surprising as I don't craft.) THANKFULLY, Andrea is way craftier than me and came up with a much cuter idea. And she also had the genius idea of piling 3/4 kids in one cart for a little Daniel Tiger viewing party while we grocery shopped. Free Target Wifi for the win!

Andrea's idea- so cute! And I might have been really impressed with myself on getting those pieces of tape on and off to make these letters. A rare crafting win for this mama. ;)

We love this new-to-us waterfall spot at The Roswell Mill! On Father's Day morning, we took a trip out there to start off the day- perks of having an early riser is enjoying views like this while the rest of Atlanta sleeps ;)

I swear Tally saw me grab my phone out to take a picture and ran in to join the shot. And then right as I went to take it decided to shake off all the water. Oh Tal!

We celebrated Father's Day at Matt's parents' house that night and we all UNINTENTIONALLY showed up in coordinating outfits like we were prepped for a family photo. Please note that Riley and Natalie are in the exact same outfit (as were Matt and his dad) and that everyone is wearing blue and coral- hysterical!

The next day we celebrated Father's Day and Noah's 11th Birthday (ELEVEN?!- so big!) at my sister's house.
Ryan's still working on his spacing and smiles in pictures. ;)


Matt's meeting us at the pool later today to kick off the weekend. Man I love summer.

If you missed this week's gnocchi recipe, you can check it out here!


1 comment:

  1. I loved getting to get into the "treasure chest" after going to the dentist, doctor, etc. as a kid! It was the best :)

    Edye | Http://
