
Monday, April 4, 2016

April Goals

Clearly this year is flying by faster than I can keep up with, as I wrote in last Monday's post that I would be sharing my March goals this week. As it turns out, March has already ended.

The good news is, I might be a month behind, but I did actually complete my goals for the past month. ;)

Order Natalie's birth announcements.


Order frames for above the bed in her room and print 3- 8x10 pictures from her newborn photos to go inside.

I ordered the frames from Amazon (set of 4 found here- and now $10 cheaper than what I paid... great frames for a GREAT price!) and printed the pictures through Mpix. I love how they turned out!

I also added her monogrammed letters to her gallery wall- the letters came from Hobby Lobby and I spray painted them and added gold glitter stickers on top (spray paint and stickers also from Hobby Lobby). You can check out the rest of her nursery here.

Share pictures of her photo shoot and birth announcement.

If you missed the post, you can find it here.

Mail out thank you notes

We have been so spoiled with meals and gifts these past 6 weeks that I had a hard time keeping up with my thank yous! But I am happy to say that the last of my thank you notes are going out today. So if you are one of those sweet people who sent cards or meals or gifts and haven't gotten a note from me, you'll be getting one in the next few days. ;)

Ease into exercise
We enjoyed walking in the warmer weather and I started doing a few other simple exercises but am ready to get back into working out this month!

Which bring me to my goals for April.

Workout 3x's/week
I'm going to mix it up between Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and Nicole Stewart Pilates, mainly because I think Jillian Michaels alone will kick my booty.

Cut back on sugar
This month, I am not putting sugar in my coffee (if you know me, you are gasping) and I am limiting my ice-cream to 3 nights/week (if you know, you are falling over as this will be a more than 50% decrease in the current number of nights that I eat ice cream).

Create and Blog 3 Recipes
I have had a long break from cooking thanks to so many sweet people bringing us meals, so I am excited to cook some new recipes this month and share them on here. Sooner rather than later, I'd like to get back to posting one new recipe each week, but for now, 3 in the month feels feasible.

Replace Pictures in Frames
I'm really not great at updating picture frames but I'm trying to get better. So I'm making it a goal to do this this month.

Start Planning Our Vacation
Each year, we take a vacation in late Spring/early Summer. When I was teaching, this tied in to my Spring Break or was how we kicked off the start of Summer Break. Now with kids, we've decided to stick to vacationing the same time of year. Two years ago, we went to Palmetto Bluff with Tally. Last year, we took our first trip with Ryan to Turks & Caicos. So I'm super excited to start planning our first trip with Ryan and Natalie! ...And maybe Tal too, we'll see. ;)


1 comment:

  1. I might have some help for the coffee. You could try coconut cream/coconut milk with cinnamon. I'll be honest, it will be a big change---cutting sugar is tough! BUT you can do it! <3

    I love your recipe posts. Look forward to seeing more of them again. :)
