
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Goals

I should really stop saying things like, "I'll be back tomorrow to share..." because whenever I write that in a post, the "I'll be back tomorrow" part doesn't happen.

So here I am a day late with my September goals. Better late than never, right?!

I love, love, love September. In my head, September marks the beginning Fall. Forget about the fact that it's still in the mid-80s... crisp Fall air will be here before we know it. College football is right around the corner, my birthday is this month, and this year, we have our last beach vacation of the year planned for the end of this month. It's going to be a great September.

Before I get to my goals for this month, here's a look at how I did with my

Organize Ryan's pictures on Google+ into albums and months

A lot of you mentioned that you didn't know about the Google+ app for your phone either! If you want an easy way to back up the pictures on your phone and have access to them or be able to share them from a computer (you can share them from your phone too), you should definitely download the app.

While it doesn't allow you to view your folders in a list form, you can search for any album you've created pretty easily. For Ryan's monthly picutres, I just typed in the search bar "January 2015" and it would bring up all of the pictures from that month that had been backed up from my phone. Then I selected the ones of him and clicked the "+" button on the top right to create a new album. I titled each of the albums "Ryan _-_ Months" so that it was easy to search for them by just typing in his name.

To get started with backing up the photos on your phone, download the app, click on the menu button on the top left, select "photos" and then pull the screen down to automatically start the backup. If you're like me, the initial backup with take a LONG time, but then it will keep backing them up automatically as you take photos. (Side note- you may want to select that the autobackup happen only when you're connected to wifi if you don't want it to use too much of your data. You can do that under settings.)

Hope that helps!

Read The Longest Ride
I really enjoyed this book! If you missed it, you can read my full review here.

Watch the Movie
The movie was so different from the book, but it was still really good. Matt and I have been on a movie watching kick lately We're in the lull before Fall shows and trying to catch up on movies that we've missed in the theaters... because really who wants to spend a date night in the movie theater these days? Not me. One, they're so darn expensive, two, I want to talk and enjoy our time out, and three, I'll most likely fall asleep. At least when we're at home watching a movie in bed, I can be in my comfies and fall asleep comfortably if I so choose. :)

Visit Eye Doctor
We had a big family outing to the eye doctor last Saturday. Oh how our weekends have changed. I really meant to take a picture of the three of us in the store just for kicks, but I completely forgot. But on this note, both of us walked away from our appointments with improved vision- so either we're actually getting younger, or we had a terrible doctor before. But yay for better eyesight, right?!

And now for my

1. Shoes
First off, I have got to get Ryan some shoes (and for this picture, clothes).

He loves playing outside and has really started taking a lot of steps in the past week or so. I'm totally good with him being bare foot in the house, but I want him to have something on his feet for when we're playing outside. So that's my first goal- find a pair of shoes and try not to get lost in the million-and-one reviews/opinions about the best shoes for a new walker.

2. Dentist
It's that time again. I need to schedule an appointment for the dentist, and Matt does too actually, so maybe we'll carry on our tradition and go to this one together too. Getting these appointments in is a little trickier when you have a little one!

3. Shutterfly Books
I might regret this goal later this month, but I have been wanting to order a few (yikes) Shutterfly books and really need to make a point of putting them together and getting them ordered. So this is my big goal for this month. Which means I'm really going to need to work on that getting-up-before-Ryan goal I've been semi working on each morning.

4. Read The Last Lecture and one other book
My mom suggested The Last Lecture to me and said it's such an inspiring story. It's a pretty quick read though so I would like to read another book this month as well. I'm thinking maybe The Girl on the Train? Got an other ideas for me?!

5. Grill
With summer coming to an end, now seems like a great time to jump on some end-of-summer sales and check off the last item on our to-do list. Hopefully I'll be able to find us a good one at a great price! Have any suggestions on brands I should go with or stay away from?

Thanks for your help! Hope you guys are having a great week!



  1. we loved robeez for the initial learning to walk stage...they are soft but protect the feet. we didn't use them too long, Amelia was a crazy early walker at 10 months gah! you can get them at stride rite, or at a lot of baby stores. stride rite is great, they are so good with little ones and will remind you when your baby needs new shoes based on growth/wear.

  2. You'll definitely be able to get some good Shutterfly deals if you can crank out the books this weekend!

  3. Definitely read The Girl On The Train!!!! It might distract you from your other goals though! Have a good day 😀

  4. I suggest a big green egg seriously if not get a good weber gas grill. For new walkers you want shoes that will allow the child to grip with their toes. Bobux are great! They have a cheaper version of them at target and they are awesome! Once he starts walking well then get him a little sturdier

    1. Never heard of Bobux! Thanks for the grill tips too!

  5. The Longest Ride is so good. I haven't seen the movie yet but I loved the book!
