
Friday, September 18, 2015

Life Lately

Matt got home early one day last week so we could all go on a hike before dinner. And please check out Ryan's hair. I can't help but picture Dwight from The Office when it falls that way. hah.

Sweet Tal laying by Ryan's crib while he naps

Milkshake treat at Burger 21. He loves watching them make the shakes and I'm pretty sure he would down an entire one if we let him.

How he rides in the cart at Costco. Buddy doesn't want to miss a thing. :)

Airplane park!

Ryan's mouth used to be open constantly (which is exactly how Matt was as a baby/toddler), but lately he has been closing his mouth and we feel like it makes him look like less of a baby. So Matt and I keep saying jokingly, "Open your mouth, buddy!"

Helping Nonna paint his sister's room!

This is our everyday lately

Ryan laughs to himself when he walks barefoot on the grass. I guess it tickles his feet :)
Both boys peeking at Nonna through the window while she painted. She is the BEST! At one point she came over to give kisses through the window and both Ryan and Tally started kissing/licking the window. They love their Nonna!

Books before bed. Love them.


Ryan was determined to figure out how to pull up on this step ladder and sit by himself and then get back down... by himself. Sweet buddy made it work and managed to do it all without falling. I love watching him try to figure things out!

Papa time :)

Airplane! "pa.. pa"

Ryan and Tally working on their escape plan


Playdate at the Fickle Pickle in downtown Roswell. Their outdoor eating area is so great!

This was after that little play date. Ryan and Grant found a puddle and had a big time getting soaking wet in it. So we opted to strip before the ride home and soon after we got in the car, this sweet boy passed out. :)

Can't wait to see this sweet buddy as a big brother!

Water party in the backyard. Who knew a hose could be this much fun?!

Trying on some new denim. ;)

While on a little shopping excursion for his sister's room, I gave Ryan this candle (with a twist top lid) to hold and tap like a drum. While I was busy experimenting with some gallery wall ideas right behind the stroller, Ryan figured out how to take off the lid and had a big time exploring the inside of the candle. And of course this was a trip where I didn't stick the wipes in the bottom of the stroller. Hah. We made a quick trip to the front of the store for some paper towels and obviously ended up adding the candle to our purchases. #momfail but a funny memory.

Reynolds turns ONE! Love these two buddies!

All my people. One of my favorite parts about our house is being able to see the backyard from the kitchen window. And sometimes I have to run outside and snap a pic because I don't want to forget the sweetness.

Last Sunday, it was cool enough to wear a sweater shirt, jeans, and closed-toed shoes to church! Ahhhh, Fall. And I'm loving the fun bar bracelet we got from MOPs this year that has our theme "flourish" written on it. 

About twenty minutes into the service, we saw Ryan's number flash across the big screen. Sweet buddy was having a hard time settling in to his little class and just wanted his mama and daddy. Almost immediately after we picked him up, he was smiling and being silly again. That boo does not like to be left right now! And Matt and I laughed that we got called out of the service- our church is huge, so seeing your number come across the screen is kind of a big deal.

Lunch after church! At least we beat the lunch crowds. ;)

Nap after 1/2 church and lunch. Love watching this buddy sleep.

Fire pit and trampoline fun at Karen and Jay's! More pics from the night here

The next morning when I went to get Ryan out of his crib, he was jibber jabbering and bouncing in his crib, like he was trying to tell me all about the fun he had the night before. :)

Nonna's little meatball lighting up when Nonna came to see us

First "ball" for Ryan. Tal tried to chew the top while Ryan pounded on it. The pumpkin survived and moved to our front door.

Watching Nonna go bye bye

These two. Poor Tal gets crawled on all day and doesn't even get phased by it.

Ryan got his first pair of shoes and suddenly looked 13. He thinks they are so cool and gets excited when it's time to put them on. "shh, shh" :)

#momsquad at the park. Love these girls!

If there's water, this boy will be in it. I feel like winter might not be his favorite season. ;)

Making music with his buddy Reynolds! This was the first day that Ryan really "played" on the playground... crawling and walking all over and sliding down the slides. It was so fun to see the two of them playing together and looking so big!

"Nack" time in the "rock rock rock" chair. And Tal ever patient and hopeful for some dropped (or shared) treats

Playing with his legos after a looong morning nap. He has taken two 2+ hour morning naps in his life. One was for my mom, and the other was for Matt's mom. It's like he knows in his sleep whether I'm  home or not. ;)

Sweet Maddox wrote the cutest thank you after we celebrated his birthday. Look at who he addressed it to- love that boy!

Outside time with my buddy

Yay for FRIDAY!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. What are some of your favorite blogs to read? Love yours!
