
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July's Mid-Month Confessions

First things first- if you are an Amazon Prime member, today is their big "Prime Day" where TONS of their items are on super sale- as advertised, "better-than-Black-Friday sale." Since I talk about it all the time on here, I figured I should let you know that the Roomba Pet Vacuum is on sale today only for $249.99. This is HUGE!
If you've been interested in trying this gadget out, today would be the day to go for it. If you're not a Prime member, you can join today for a 30-day free trial and see what you think. As a mom, the free two-day shipping has me ordering just about everything on Amazon. The convenience of not making an extra trip to the store is so nice! Okay, so that's my plug- now go order your Roomba and then join us for July's Mid-Month Confessions. ;)

It's that time again! Time to dish on your embarrassing, funny, and awkward moments from the past month. Be sure to check out Elizabeth's confessions and all of the others in the link-up at the bottom of this post. If you don't have a blog but are feeling up for sharing your confessions, you can add them in the comments section below our posts- we'd love to read them and laugh along with you!

I'll start with yesterday being Chick-Fil-A's dress-like-a cow-and-get-free-chicken day. When two of my friends asked if Ryan and I wanted to join them for lunch, I was secretly relieved that we already had plans. Dressing him (and myself) up like a cow would involve crafting. And we all know that any form of crafting gives me all kinds of nervous anxiety.

Grey's Anatomy Fans- Driving to the zoo last week, the song "If I lay here" came on the radio and all I could picture was Meredith sitting with Derek for the last time and telling him it was okay to go. And as I was about on the verge of a hard core ugly cry (in the car, on the way to zoo in case you missed that part), I had to remind myself that Derek and Meredith are not real people and that Derek was not my husband. Side note, did anyone else feel like you were losing your own husband in that episode?! Good grief I felt like I was going through the clinical stages of grief after that aired and reminding myself that Matt was in fact alive and well and coming home from work that night. That song will forever set me on the verge of bawling thanks to that moment on that show. I could cry now just thinking about it.

Ryan turns one on July 28th, and I'm kind of looking forward to the monthly photo shoots ending. Am I horrible?! The real issue is that I made the whole process WAY too elaborate when he was 1, 2, 3 months old and laid in the same spot for long stretches of time without moving. And since I wanted each of his "poses" to match for this grand idea I had for sharing pictures at his one year party, I feel like our photo shoots have become more about making sure he doesn't fall out of his rocking chair and on his face, or straight off the bed when we're taking the guest bedroom shots. I also did this pose where Matt or I (rotating each month- see? waayyy overplanned) holds him with a blank wall next to us so that I can type his stats or milestones from the previous month. Next go around, I'll keep it much more simple. Much. And then maybe I won't be writing a confession like this at the end of the first year.

Speaking of his first birthday party, literally the day after we mailed out all of the invitations, we realized pretty much everyone we invited was going to be on vacation. Our plan was/is to keep it small with close friends and family (and really "small" is relative considering the size of our families), but it was starting to look like it might just be handful of our immediate family members at his big birthday bash. So the day after we sent out the invitations, we emailed everyone and said that his party would be moved to the following week and to please disregard the date on the super cute invitations that were on the way to them. ;) #firstbirthdaypartyparentfail

That's it for this month! Now it's time to see what you've got to confess this month! Don't be shy. Just let it out there. And don't forget to check out Elizabeth's confessions here! Also add this button somewhere in your post. Just copy the HTML below the button, paste it in the HTML section of your post, and the button will appear in your post and allow your readers to link back to this page so they can see the other posts in the link-up.


  1. I think it's great to see how many babies don't sit still in the monthly update photos. It's definitely a way you start to see their personalities.

  2. that Roomba is pretty awesome but it does occasionally bump into furniture like the legs of the couch, but i say totally worth it for it to vacuum itself!

    Love your confession about the the monthly pictures! It's a lot of work, but it will be fun to look back on!

    It will be so much more enjoyable to have a low key first birthday party! Can't wait to see pics from it!

    1. I didn't know you were doing this today, I'll have to link up next month for sure, this is such a fun series!

    2. We'd love for you to join us next month!

  3. I'm glad to see you're as emotionally invested (aka crazy ;) in Grey's as I am! It's always been one of my favorites shows, and I've seen each episode multiple times but after Derek died, I couldn't bring myself to watch the last two episodes! I cried SO hard when he died- Doug came home and thought that someone real had actually died! Haha! The two episodes are still on my DVR...I just can't do it because I know I'll start crying all over again!

  4. I totally missed the Amazon Prime day. :( You have me interested in the Roomba pet vacuum. My current vacuum cleaner is super heavy and with me already having issues with my back, this sounds like a huge step up!

  5. Haha I was just thinking that about monthly photos since we have always done them on a rocking chair too. Stupid idea once they start moving. But newborn mom wasn't thinking past that cute newborn phase haha.
