
Monday, June 15, 2015

June's Mid-Month Confessions

First of all, thanks for all your sweet words on My Ten Favorite Posts. I know you were just wanting to win the giveaway ;) but I appreciate how sweet y'all were in your comments! The winner of the giveaway is at the bottom of this post!

Also, sorry I forgot to mention which day we'd be hosting the Mid-Month Confessions this month. Hopefully you still have some fun confessions ready to share! You can pretty much count on it always being on the 15th unless it falls on a weekend, in which case it will be the Friday before or Monday after- whichever is closer to the 15th.
Be sure to check out Elizabeth's confessions and all of the others in the link-up at the bottom of this post. If you don't have a blog but are feeling up for sharing your confessions, you can add them in the comments section- we'd love to hear them!

Okay, let the confessing begin:

The other morning, I was holding Ryan as I was walking around the house looking for my bra (which sounds a lot sketchier than it was come to think of it), and, like I usually do, I was telling him what I was doing: "Ryan, mommy is looking for her bra." At which point, Ryan repeated, "Ba." Since I was in fact looking for a "bra" and not a "ba," I without hesitation repeated nice and slowly, "Brrra. Brrra," to which he repeated, "Ba." After a few too many rounds of this (mind you, I'm still walking around the house not even processing our conversation), I stopped and realized what I was doing. So proud mom moment- my 10 month old now knows how to say hi, bye, dada, mama, papa, Tal, and bra.


Last Friday night, Matt and I had a date on our new patio (pictures to come later this week!). For dinner, we made not one, but two Red Barron pizzas that we cut into four triangles each. Just to give you the full picture, we were sitting on a blanket, Tal was laying in between us (because even though he had the entire yard, he wanted to be on our little blanket in between the two of us- oh Tal), and I had just dipped my third triangle of pizza into ranch dressing (tell me I'm not the only one who dips pizza in ranch?!) and was mid-bite when Matt said, "Can you imagine having to date right now?" I about spit out my food from laughing so hard. Considering I was working my way through almost an entire pizza (gross, I know, but those Red Barron's are just so darn GOOD!), my answer was NO, I cannot imagine dating right now. Matt and I ask that question from time to time (usually when it's a Friday or Saturday night and we're ready for bed in the nines), but something about his unintentional timing made me crack up and feel extra thankful that I found someone I could eat an entire pizza in front of and not think twice about it.

On the same night, Matt and I both had dreams that Ryan was in the bed with us and was crawling toward the edge. First I dreamed it and grabbed poor Tal suddenly (yes, our 75lb dog sleeps in the bed with us). And then a few hours later Matt scared me to death when he grabbed me with both hands and held me tight before realizing I was not a baby falling off of the bed. The next morning we both cracked up at the irony and at our weird sleeping habits.

A few nights ago I was ready for bed well before 9 and asked Matt if he could close the bedroom curtains because it was so bright outside.


I bought Ryan a toothbrush and toothpaste after seeing my friend Andrea post a picture of her brushing her son's TWO teeth. Prior to seeing that picture I hadn't even thought about brushing Ryan's 7 teeth- two of which he's had for 6 months #momfail

told Matt this week that if I was 10 years younger and not married with a child and a dog, I would be okay with being the girl Sam Hunt is talking to in his "Take Your Time" song. And then I looked up the song and realized he wrote it about domestic violence and wanting to take a girl away from an abusive relationship. Which is great and commendable for sure, but totally ruined the song for me. I definitely had a different Rico-Suave-type guy meets a girl in a bar image in my mind. Definitely not what he was going for apparently.

Okay now it's time for you to link up your own confession posts below! And don't forget to add this button somewhere in your post! Just copy the HTML below the button, paste it in the HTML section of your post, and the button will appear in your post and allow your readers to link back to this page so they can see the other posts in the link-up.


And the winner of the $25 gift card is:

Congratulations, Ellen! 
Email me {} or leave a comment below letting me know which gift card you would like!



  1. Dangit! I totally forgot about this.... It might be a two post day! Haha
    I dip pizza in ranch!!!! And French fries!! And Ted and I are ready for bed in the nines too... :)
    I'm going to do my confessions now!

  2. Ok, these are HILARIOUS! I especially love #1 and #6. :)

  3. So funny! My husband and I survived on those pizzas-with ranch, when we first married, and honestly, they still make their way into my shopping cart from time to time!

  4. #3 lololololol. And I agree about dating. I can't even imagine the work that dating outside of college would take.

  5. Too funny that Ryan knows how to say 'bra' now! Ha! I can not believe this sweet boy is almost a year old! Eek time flies so fast!! And I'm convinced Tally is secretly human. ;)
    I hope you're having a good week!

  6. Red Baron pizzas with ranch are a total guilty pleasure of mine! (It's probably sad, but I miss them. I can't have tomato based sauces anymore. :/ ) It makes me wonder if they have any pizzas like that with different sauces? Dominoes has a garlic parmesan sauce that I'm loving now.

    Sophie sleeps in our bed too! It can get pretty itchy with the allergies (sometimes!) ;)

  7. Red Baron pizzas with ranch are a total guilty pleasure of mine! (It's probably sad, but I miss them. I can't have tomato based sauces anymore. :/ ) It makes me wonder if they have any pizzas like that with different sauces? Dominoes has a garlic parmesan sauce that I'm loving now.

    Sophie sleeps in our bed too! It can get pretty itchy with the allergies (sometimes!) ;)

  8. Haha I shook my head in agreement to all of this. First, yes to pizza and ranch, and yes to eating a whole one by yourself. Tom and I have the conversations that neither of us would ever be able to date again nor could imagine going through it. Then we try to imitate ourselves on a first date with strangers-which usually ends in fart noises. (really mature for a couple 30 year olds). I went to bed at 8:30 last Friday night. It was awesome. George actually fell off the bed a couple weeks was right before he had officially crawled so I didn't think he could flop as fast as he did. Mom fail. Our dogs do the same thing about closeness and sleeping in our bed. We have two big 75 pounders though, so naturally there is never any room for Tom and I. I didn't think to brush George's teeth until we had our 9 month check up and the dr told us to do so. Just not something I was thinking of! Now that I have written a novel...Love your confessions!
