
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Goals

Happy New Year!

I'm in Charleston for a few days while Matt is in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl, so my NYE day was spent hanging out with these six sweet babies, and my night was spent with these two:

Do I look like a third wheel?! hahah.

The house was quiet and we were all sound asleep long before midnight. I just can't hang like I used to. ;)

As I mentioned before, I have decided to start setting and sharing monthly goals to help me accomplish some of those tasks that have been lingering on my to-do list or have been floating around in my head as things that I'd like to be more intentional about completing.

So here they are!

I have heard great things about this book. And considering how much I loved Bringing Up Bebe (particularly the section that talked about how French kids eat), this seems like it will be a great read and beneficial for this next stage we're about to enter with Ryan.

2. Restart a workout routine
Since Ryan has been born, I haven't been intentional about working out consistently. So I've made a plan for this month to complete four simple workouts each week:

1- P90X Ab Ripper
1- Nicole Stewart Pilates
2- Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred

The longest of these is the Jillian Micheals one which is 26 minutes. So I'm devoting a little over an hour of exercise to my weeks this month, which seems like a realistic place to start.

3. Clean my car
It needs to happen. It needed to happen a long time ago. So this month, I'm making it happen.

4. Have a quiet time every day
Like working out, I've let my quiet times become inconsistent and sporadic. I really want to be more intentional about spending time reading a praying each morning, even if it's only a few minutes of my day. 

5. Wake up before Ryan
I feel so much better when I have time in the morning before anyone else wakes up to drink my coffee and get a few things done. I used to do this every day when I was working, so I'd like to do it at least a few days a week again. This will also help me accomplish #2 and #4. 

So there they are. Hopefully when I check back on February 1st, I'll be able to say that these 5 things happened.

A couple of other posts for you to check out this morning:
I love this post from my friend Laura on her resolutions for the new year.
And Elizabeth from Teaching Sam and Scout is also sharing her goals for January, so head over to her blog now to check them out!

Hope you guys have a safe and restful New Years Day!



  1. Quiet time and getting in quality workouts are two of my goals too. I loved bringing up Bebe, so I may have to check out this book too!

  2. I have done, er scratch that, STARTED the 30 Day Shred twice now and I love it each and every time. The first time I was strict with it and I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks! But finding the time to do it now with the little is difficult. I need to get on this too this month! Best of luck to us both!
