
Thursday, October 23, 2014

#nelsendays2014 Weeks 41 & 42

Here's a look at what we've been up to for the past couple of weeks!

Day 281: We love spending time with Nonna and Papa!...

Day 282: ...We don't love driving in the car- poor boo. Yes, this is us pulled over in what I later realized was a weave shop parking lot during rush hour traffic so I could swing the little buddy to sleep. Ahhh, memories.

Day 283: #manboobs this little squish!

Day 284: We love lazy football Saturdays around here.

Day 285: Playtime that usually involves a stolen sock if I'm not looking (or even if I am) and then a guilty face. Ryan is clearly unfazed. ;)

Day 286: One of our former UpStreet girls from church came by to see us with her mom one morning while she was on Fall Break. Sweet Ava was just under three years old when we became her small group leaders, and now she's in third grade! So grown up and the sweetest girl.

Day 287: Sweet Noah gave Ryan this bear (it was his bear that he slept with every night up until he decided to let Ryan keep it!) when we went on our Tennessee trip. And now Ryan snuggles with it every time he is in his carrier. Sweet sweet.

Day 288: Pre- and post- visit to my school to see former students and friends...

...I think he got a little over-stimulated. ;)

Day 289: I caught myself saying the words, "Tally, that was one of your Christmas presents!" I immediately started laughing at myself and Matt laughed at me (us really) too. We're crazy. So yes, we buy Christmas presents for our dog (in October), fill a stocking for him, and give them his pile of toys on Christmas morning. Nuts I tell you. ;)

Day 290: Last Friday, I met my friends Stacey and her super sweet boy Brayden (he's 7 weeks older than Ryan- such a cutie!) at the new Buckhead Atlanta that recently opened. I still think Streets of Buckhead is much cooler sounding, but apparently the people who got to make the decision didn't. We ate at a delish restaurant called Thirteen Pies- a pizza and pasta place, my fave. We will definitely be going back with Matt- it was SO good!

Day 291: Fully engrossed in his dad's tennis match ;)

Day 292: The state of our kitchen/dining area on Sunday afternoon- this was one of my #banperfection pictures that I posted about here.

Day 293: Love my boys :)

Day 294: I loved getting to meet Courtney Defeo at MOPS this week! She recently published a new book called In this House We Will Giggle. The premise of the book is instilling virtues in our kids with more laughing and less lecturing. Sounds interesting, right?! You can check it out here- I am starting it this week! She was such a great speaker- very real and super humble. If you read her blog, you know that she's also super creative and shares the Lord with her kids in the most practical ways, which she also shares in her book. I am definitely looking forward to reading it, if you can't tell. ;)

You can keep up with us everyday on Instagram @hmnelsen

And just to get this little teaser out there, starting November 1st, I will be participating in a HUGE, I mean HUGE, giveaway that you do not want to miss! One lucky person will be very glad they took the time to enter. Can.not.WAIT to share it with you guys!



  1. We had two cats growing up, and we never game them Christmas presents (though they did get lots of tasty food). Hubby and I got a cat, and the cat got a stocking for Christmas. We even made her matching jammies for our family photo last year.
