
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ten on the 10th: What's worth the SPLURGE + a WINNER!

Thanks for all your sweet words about the nursery! It was so fun to finally share the post, but even sweeter to read y'all's comments!

Even as I write this (and as cheesy as this sounds) I'm thinking about how the next time I draft a Ten on the 10th post, we will have a baby! Eeek!

Today's Ten on the 10th is a sort of follow-up to my splurge vs. save post where I shared some of my favorite summer styles for less. But today, I'm going to share what I personally feel like are items worth the SPLURGE.
I was always a Target sunglass buyer. $12.99 once (or twice) a year, and it didn't matter if I broke them or lost them because they weren't expensive to replace.
When Matt asked for a pair of these sunglasses for his birthday, I didn't really get the appeal of "nice" sunglasses.

And then one day when we were walking, he let me wear his sunglasses since I left mine in the car. And WHOA. I felt like I was on the ski slopes looking through prescription polarized lenses. Those things were NICE!
So I put a fancy pair on my birthday wish list for the next year. These to be exact. And I LOVE them! (There's also a pair on Amazon right now half the price and free shipping!)

Designer Jeans
I bought my first pair of nice jeans in college, brand new with tags off of eBay, and I wore those babies for 7 years. SEVEN years! You don't understand how great a comfy, fitted pair of jeans are until you try them. So try them. 
I've actually never bought a full-price pair for myself (which can cost around $200- wah wah... but then again, divide that by 7). Instead, I go into a fancy store that sells them like Bloomingdales or Nordstrom and try on the various designers until I find the style and fit that is right for my shape (Citizens of Humanity and 7 for All Mankind are my personal faves). Then I take a picture of the tag with the exact style # on my phone and purchase them online- whoever sells them the cheapest. Or I put them on my birthday or Christmas lists.
Just trust me when I say a good pair of jeans is totally worth the splurge. You'll thank me later. ;) 

A Fancy-Feeling Handbag
Matt's mama got me my first fancy handbag as a college graduation gift. Again, I never quite understood the appeal of an expensive bag until I had one. Call me superficial, but there is something fun about having a fancy bag. TJ Maxx and Marshalls are a great place to shop for one for less. They always have a great selection and their prices are often more than 1/2 off the retail price. The outlets are another great place to look! Or, think of a color or brand that you'd like and add it to your birthday and Christmas wish lists (are you noticing a pattern here?!). 

And obviously not all of my handbags are what I call "fancy"- in fact my go-to purse recently has been the Target purse that I shared in this post. But it's fun to have at least one "big girl" bag. ;)
How cute is this one on sale at Macy's right now?!

Matt got me a fun and fancy silver watch for my birthday one year (this one to be exact), and then got me this gold one a couple of years later for Christmas. I love wearing both of them. They're an every day staple whether I'm dressed casual or dressy, which is why I think they are completely worth the splurge. A piece of jewelry you'll wear everyday is definitely worth spending a little more on!

Surprised? This seems totally random, right?! But when Matt and I first got married, my friend Andrea swore that these sheets from Bed, Bath, and Beyond were THE most comfortable sheets out there. Extra surprising since the thread count is only 300, but there's something about that "beech sateen" that makes them oh-so-soft and snuggly. After 6.5 years of marriage, we just replaced them with a new set. $80 (if you use your 20% off coupon) spread over 6+ years? Totally worth it. They are seriously the best!

I had a double barrell Chi for over 6 years that broke about a year ago. That thing was money. When it broke, did I go out and buy a new one just like it and justify the splurge? Nope. I bought a cheap one from TJ Maxx that's almost on its way out. 

Do I wish I had splurged and just got the Chi that worked so well and lasted me for so long? Yep. Sure do. In fact I saw one in Tuesday Morning the other day for $69.99 and almost scooped it up (I probably should have too because that's a darn good price!). Lesson learned. A good straightener is totally worth the splurge.

...So as I went searching for the link for the Chi straightener I would LIKE to purchase, I came across this one that is 81% off on Amazon right now (originally $199) and has crazy good reviews (almost 7500 of them to be exact!). The cost right now is $38.85 with free shipping. That's not even a splurge! It might be in my shopping cart before the day is over. ;)

Clarisonic Mia
This is not the first time I've mentioned this amazing product, and it won't be the last either. I love my Clarisonic Mia! I use it every night in the shower- it's like a 60 second facial every night. Absolutely worth the price!

A good TV
A good TV is definitely worth the splurge in my book. We've always preferred Samsung, but there are a number of other good brands out there I'm sure. We bought ours last Thanksgiving on Black Friday from Best Buy and paid almost 50% less than the retail price. If you can hold out until November, that is definitely the best time to buy! And the best part is, you don't even have to go to the store!

A nice Camera
I LOVE our camera. We got it a couple of years ago when Costco was running a sale. I like this one in particular because it's perfect for people like me who want to take professional-looking shots, but don't have the professional skill to do so manually. This camera is so user friendly and really a good price as far as Digital SLR's go. If you're looking to upgrade your basic digital camera, I highly recommend this one!

This thing has changed my life. I'm obsessed and we haven't even had it for a full month yet. My house is cleaner now than it has ever been because this little robot cleans in places I could never reach before! 

Oh and it does it by itself. Everyday. 

It goes from hardwoods to rugs to carpets and even climbs small inclines between rooms. 

The other day, Matt and I were sitting in the living room; I was reading a magazine and semi-watching a show with him at the same time when I said, "Right now, I am propping my feet up, reading a magazine, watching TV, AND vacuuming our bedroom. This feels good."

If you have pets, this is a no brainer. If you like a clean house but don't love vacuuming multiple times per week, you need this in your life. 

Worth. Every. Penny.

Trust me.

Want to join me for Ten on the 10th?! Find out how and read previous posts here.

And the winner of the R+F Giveaway is:

Congratulations, Cindy!



  1. Oh wow I need to try out the Roomba, I am so tired of dog hair everywhere! Putting that on my wish list! I also agree with a good pair of jeans. I love True Religion, they are long enough for me (I'm 5'11) and they fit me perfectly. Fortunately I stocked up when one of my friends worked there. I also love Express jeans for a nice fit at a little bit of a better price!

  2. I am totally with you on the sunglasses, even though I love in rainy Scotland! The Roomba looks brilliant, this time next year you will have a wee boy chasing it around! A x

  3. Ummm, I'm going to need to see this Roomba in action. So, do you even have to vacuum yourself now?

  4. Nice collection of splurges! I definitely will spend an extra chunk on good jeans (Lucky is my favorite). It's the best investment. I need to invest in a better camera too...the time has come! :)

  5. These are great picks! I definitely agree about the nice jeans, watches and purses. I really need a new camera, so thanks for the recommendation :)
