
Monday, June 9, 2014

Beach Trip!

Matt and I spent the past week at the beach with his family in Charleston, SC. We soaked up every last minute of relaxation, book reading, and beach napping. We took long walks everyday and talked about baby names and imagined what next year would look like. I think we've finalized the name, but we still wanna get a look at him before we make it official. ;) ...never did I ever think I would be that person. But for whatever reason, it just feels right. So that's our plan... for now. :)

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking about our week!

I think Karen was checking the lighting on her camera and needed us to pose?! Other than that, I have no idea...
Morning  book reading :)

Buddy could hardly keep his eyes open at lunch!
My morning view- oh how I wish I could wake up to this everyday!

Matt and I went into town one afternoon and did a little shopping and Groucho's eating:
This was a joke btw- Breaking Bad fans, anyone?!

On our last night, Jackson got the experience of a lifetime for a 2 year old- Fireman Pete gave him a tour of the fire station without us even asking! Little Buddy was in HEAVEN.

See you tomorrow for this month's Ten on the 10th
10 facts about pregnancy from a first time pregnant girl

And later this week, we'll be sharing answers to your questions from last Friday's Q&A post.

Have a great week!



  1. We didn't decide names for sure until after ours 2 were born, we didn't even know what we were having and I was convinced little e was a boy so she had no name for a few days :) A x

  2. I love Charleston. Looks like y'all had a great trip! Your swimsuits are adorable.

  3. There's nothing like a family vacation to the beach (we go every year with my husband's family to Edisto)! I particularly endorse your trip to Charleston because I am totally biased, having spent the majority of the last three decades here. :)

    Can't wait to hear about the name. I'm a little name obsessed, and it's one of my favorite parts of welcoming a new baby into the world!

  4. That's awesome that you are getting a lot of relaxation in before baby comes!
