
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up: Family Time & How Cool We Are

Friday night, we grabbed dinner with some neighbors at Felini's and then decided to keep the night going with a trip to Menchie's and the bookstore. And we were still home before 9:00. 

We are so cool.

Saturday, Matt played golf while Tally and I spent the day with my family. We went to our nephews' first baseball games of the season and spent some time at my sister's house.

This was Papa's first official day of retirement! We loved having him around all day on a Saturday!

Noah loved taking Tally all around the park. I hardly saw them during Maddox's game- they walked and ran around the entire time!

Sweet Maddox playing big-boy baseball now!

Cheering section :)

My sister got all of the creative genes. These were the kids' post game snacks- so cute!

My sis and Papa :)

...passed out before I was done backing up from the parking spot

Doing tricks in the backyard :)

...and back out again on the way home. If baby Nelsen is as easy as our dog in the car, we'll be in good shape. ;)

When we got home, Tally could hardly muster up the energy to say hi to Matt before he passed out again!

Sunday, we swung by Lenox Mall after teaching our UpStreet class to grab some lunch... in our matching shirts. 

...And the theme from Friday night's date carries over.

That afternoon we took the pups to the park. 
If you're new around here, Hagen is our neighbor's dog and Tally best friend/doggy lover. ;)

Sunday night, we went over to Matt's parents' house to celebrate Karen and Jay's birthdays (Matt's sis and brother-in-law) and spend some time with this cute little guy!

Happy birthday, K&J!



  1. I love watching the little ones play baseball. So adorable!

  2. tally is such a sweetie!! he's getting so big! you can just tell he's such a sweetheart through your photos (and the way you talk about him)!
    you and matt are too cute in your matching shirt!
    three things i always think when i read your posts.
    1.) you and matt have such a fun marriage and relationship
    2.) you eat really good food
    3.) you guys live life to its fullest
    ok, and 4.) you're beautiful :)
