
Monday, August 26, 2013

Family get-together in Monroe

Matt had his Fantasy Football Draft / guy's weekend in Greenville this weekend, so Tally and I went solo down to my mom's for a family dinner on Saturday. Surprisingly, it was Tally's first time down to Monroe! He was such a good little pup the whole time... never had to put him on the leash- he stayed close by the entire time we were outside. Love this little pup!

I forgot my camera so the pictures aren't great- but we spent some time in the front and back yard watching the kids practice their baton twirling ;) and soccer skills.

I was so glad to see this little love and her parents! Brian and Jennifer live in Charleston so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like!

Munchkin love :)

This was the part where the kids told me Tally was ruining their soccer game... haha, poor pup wanted to play with the big kids but just kept getting in the way (or trying to steal the ball). ;)

Music class- love these kids.

When mom says she's making dinner for everyone... you make SURE you're there. Poor Matt was jealous he had to miss!

Family :)

Tuckered out on the drive home

Don't forget:
The Baublebar giveaway ends Thursday night! The winner will be announced Friday morning.

Have a great week!


  1. Your dog is so cute! That food looks yummy. : )

  2. aaaah!!! tally is precious!!!! and looks like such a fun trip.

  3. What a fun time! Al lthe food looks delish! Poor Tally just wanted to play! :( Haha.

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend with family and great food. ;)

  5. Love the photos Heather! Will probably get my post up in another week or so... ha! Geez. So great to see you! Wish we could all get together more often!!

  6. what a fun time with your family! (steve's at a work football draft now...i bet he and matt would get along great ;))
    i love the photo of the kids during "music class" - so cute!
    ohmygosh, your mom looks like she's an amazing cook - i see where you get it from! :)
