
Friday, July 5, 2013

#Summerdays2013 Week 6

Day 36: After running errands with mama, we stopped by the pet store for a new bone. ;) I love my little car buddy!

Day 37: 10 Year High School Reunion. Hard to believe that much time has passed already... more to come on that next week. 

Day 38: Tally likes to have someone sit next to him while he falls asleep- so we totally enable it. ;)

Day 39: Baby sitting, pet sitting, teaching come, teaching no, and a glass of wine for me while Matt worked out, Tally napped, and I cooked dinner. Good day. :)

Day 40: Enjoying a summer afternoon with two sweet friends, trying out Anna's amazing products! If you missed out on ordering when she was doing her giveaway, you should totally give this foot scrub a try! All of the money earned goes directly to the adoption of their son who is waiting for them in Uganda. If you didn't get to read her story, definitely check it out.

Day 41: Our guard dog. He's ferocious. ;)

Day 42: Cheering on my sister, papa, and nonna at the Peachtree Road Race!

Extra Pics from the Week:

Where he sits while I get ready- this doesn't last for long, so I've gotten pretty good at getting ready quickly. ;)

Double date night with Tanner and Caroline meant lots of extra lovin' for Mr. Tally!

Driving on daddy's lap- not the safest, we know... but SO hard to resist! (Don't worry, this was at a red light- he moved his head right when we started going again.)

There's an ice cube in front of him in this shot- he loves hitting them with his paw and watching them fly across the floor.

Tuckered out ;)

Petting "Pup Pup"

Buddy decided he needed a break in our neighbors' ivy after we left their house. ;)

I love when he plays with his toys with a leg wrapped around mine- he's a snuggler. ;)

New toy!

About to watch daddy wash the car and playing with a pine cone while he waits ;)

hmmm... wonder what this bubbly water tastes like?

Whatcha doin there?!

If you missed my Maggiano's contest recipe, click here.

Have a great weekend! Matt, Tally, and I will be off on a little adventure that I'll share all about next week!


  1. Tully is adorable! We have a 1.5 year old Golden and they are the cutest puppies and the best dogs - although a little crazy and hyper but still so good! You're making me want another one :)

  2. Awww, Tally is the most gorgeous puppy ever, you are making me want one!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. Love the pics of Tally. Seriously so adorable. I love the one where he is the 'guard dog' in front of the house. :)

  4. ohmygoodness, your ferocious little guard dog is making me want a puppy so bad! :) what a handsome little man!! i want to hug him and squeeze him...pretty sure i've told you that before! :) i love that he goes along for all the fun trips you take! the girls' day sounds wonderful!
    sending lots of love and wishing you and matt a happy rest of the weekend! xoxox

  5. you're seriously making me want a puppy! :) and thanks for sharing my story again. <3

  6. Oh my word. THAT DOG!! Just when I think he can't get any cuter, you go off and post him sitting in the ivy patch. Lord have mercy. {You looked gorgeous at your reunion, Heather! I'm sure I'm not the first to say you have a great smile.}

