
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bloglovin' and Blog Design

So I don't entirely understand the whole Google-reader-is-no-longer thing, but apparently, the people that read blogs through this method:

can't anymore. Or at least that's what I've gathered through other people's posts. I like to keep up with my favorite blogs through the sidebar on my own blog that looks like this:

There are about 25 on there, but I only show 5 at a time. ;)

But now that GFC, or Google Reader, is gone, most people are using Bloglovin' to keep up with their fave blogs. It sends you an email whenever blogs you follow are updated. Most people, like me, have a button that looks like this:

Follow on Bloglovin

If you're already getting emails when this blog is updated, you probably signed up for emails awhile ago through this link on my sidebar:

which also works just fine. The biggest difference is that Bloglovin' shows the posts just like they appear on the blog, whereas the RSS feed ("the get-updates-by-email version) doesn't allow videos or the blog HTML to come through in the emails.

The other easy option for updates is through Facebook. If you "like" the blog page, then you'll see the new post links on your newsfeed whenever you check FB.

All that to say, I figure if you want to read what's going on around here, you will. But that's my understanding on GFC disappearing and what people are doing to follow blogs instead.

You can also find me a few other places too- I love to keep up with readers and make new blogger friends, so feel free to email me (, comment, or reach out through twitter or IG (@hmnelsen for both). I'm totally a blog stalker myself and don't think it's weird at all, so don't be shy about saying hello! ;)

Blog Design
On a different note, I've been wanting to change the look around here. If you know of anyone who does great blog design and doesn't cost a fortune, I'd love for you to pass along their info to me! Or, if YOU are a blog designer and would like to spread the word about your business, shoot me an email or leave a comment below, and we can chat. :)

Hope your week is off to a great start! I'll be back later this week with my Maggiano's contest recipe and some more Tally pics. Here's a little teaser for now:

Can't wait to share it with you!


  1. You always have great food! Will you come cook for me? :) How much are you willing to spend on a design? I know when I was looking for a new design alot of the designers charged like $50 or more. It depends on how much you want. Google reader is different than GFC. GFC is connected to blogger dashboard which is different than the reader. To get I'm able to still read blogs from the blogger homepage. I think everyone's been confused about it. I dont think I have you on could this be? I'm going to stalk you now :)

  2. I am so confused with all this Google stuff. And this meal looks amazing! Here is a blog designer.
    I was going to use her before, but never got around to it. Here is another blogging friend who did use her if you want to see some of her work.

  3. I offer blog designs too :) Just $35 for everything and I'm fun to work with ;)

  4. Hey girl! Totally confused about this google reader thing thanks for breaking it down! If you are interested in a new blog design stopby my blog and look under contact for more info!!!

  5. Yeah, the Google Plus thing is kinda confusing. I haven't even given myself time to really acknowledge the fact that it's gone and I need to really use Blog Lovin
