
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Classroom Makeover: Trailer Edition

I have said goodbye to five years of teaching third grade- a bitter-sweet goodbye I might add. This year, I'll start a new journey as a Discovery pullout teacher. Discovery is the title of our gifted program, so I'll be teaching students through cross-curricular enrichment projects throughout the year.

This week was our first week of school with kids, but as a "specials" teacher now, my students won't start until tomorrow. It was a strange feeling not having kids on the first day of school! I will miss getting to know a homeroom and celebrating different holiday parties with them in class, but I think this new step will be an exciting one!

So far, one of my favorite new roles (as odd as this is going to sound) is lunch duty. Yep. I like lunch duty. What can I say, I love hearing napkins called "nakkins" and "napcams" from the kindergartners. I love getting squeezes from the little first graders after opening their ketchup packets (who knew such a simple act was hug-worthy?!) I love helping the itty-bitties recognize the differences between a ketchup packet and a French dressing packet since they can't read the letters yet (because what 5-year-old wants french dressing on their french fries, right?!) And I love catching up with my old students as they come in for lunch each day. It's a pretty sweet gig if you ask me! Although I'm one week in- so check back with me in October. ;)

Here's my new second home! It's a bit down-sized from last year's room but I like the cozy feel. :)

I passed on 50+ labeled book bins loaded with books to other teachers since the students are supposed to work on logic, puzzles, and games when they finish their work... but I had to hold on to a few- it just didn't feel like "me" without some books in my room!


  1. I love your classroom - It does look cozy - I particularly like the lamp. I also taught (and still teach) gifted and talented. It's a lot of fun. Just be over-prepared as they go through things really quickly.

    I am your newest follower (returning your follow) and look forward to more visits.

  2. I've always wanted to be a teacher just to decorate the classroom! hahahaha. silly, I know! your classroom is super cute and just like you said, cozy! I just found your blog from the I love my Friends blog hop! I love love love your home and everything y'all have done to it! looks like a lot of work! I hope you post lots of decor husband and I are moving into our new home in a few months so I'll need ideas! excited to be your newest follower!

  3. Love it! Looks like you made the most of your space :) Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm already following your blog!

  4. This is a really cute classroom - good luck on your new year. New follower and look forward to reading :-)

  5. Love your classroom! It looks inviting and soothing at the same time.
    I hope you enjoy your new position.

    I'm a new follower from the Monday Mingle,
    Hope you'll come and follow me


  6. looks SO great Heather! Love your organization :)

  7. Adorable classroom, Heather! It is full of fun and colorful learning tools for the kids! Wishing you tons of luck in the coming weeks!

  8. Your classroom is definitely adorable!
