
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Final Pics from the Cruise!

Our last port of call was in Crete. We spent the morning walking through the open markets, enjoying a cappuccino at a little coffee shop inside the market, and taking in the beautiful views around the water that reminded both us of Venice.

Planning our day for us :) ...I don't do maps.

Needing a little extra jolt this morning, which is pretty evident in this picture! ;)

I want to plant these trees in our backyard! So pretty!

Oh yum. LOVE me some doughnuts.

A taste of home! I guess I went for the "cultural" experience with my Cretish (totally made that up) cappuccino, but probably would have opted for the Cinnamon Dolce Latte had I known.

Just beautiful!

Interesting... not sure I get it

Matt and I wondered what they were trying to say with these two signs- literal translations are funny... Maybe "We won't pressure you to purchase" for the first one, and "We won't talk to you while you eat" for the second?!

There's a lady swimming in the middle of this picture. I thought this was funny for some reason. haha

Back on the boat before dinner... the view from our room

The second formal night

Our last day was a day at sea. Matt and I walked down to the head of the ship as we were heading straight for this volcano. It was a little windy. :)

That night, we ate at Chops. It was SO good!

Funny story- neither one of us knew that red velvet cake was actually made out of chocolate cake- well, Matt doesn't like chocolate, like at ALL. When he ordered, he told the waitress, "I'm not really a big fan of chocolate, so I think I'll go with the red velvet cake (the only non-chocolate, or so we thought, dessert of the menu). When it came, it was covered with chocolate chips and had slivers of chocolate on the inside, and we were both so confused! It wasn't until we got home that our family told us the base is chocolate cake and red food coloring. Who knew?! Not us! The waitress probably thought we were crazy Americans. :)

Luckily, we were one of the last couples in the restaurant, because our waitress ASKED (too funny!) if she could take some pictures of us because she really liked our camera. She proceeded to move us around the restaurant for different poses. I figured I would spare you the photo shoot and only post these two. Haha!


  1. How FUN! How many kinds of olives did they have? wow! Loved your night outfits, you look so pretty. Thank you for sharing those pictures, I have the travel bug..again!

  2. beautiful photos sweetie! SHEINSIDE giveaway on my blog!!

  3. Isn't it hard to say goodbye to all that cruising?!

    You look so beautiful in all your formal dresses. (You actually look gorgeous in anything!).
