
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Acai Berry Smoothies

Publix had a sale this week on frozen fruit, Acai juice, and Medjool dates, so I decided to prepare some ready-to-make smoothies! Each prepared bag makes two smoothies, so half this recipe if you just want to make one at a time.

These smoothies are delicious and are high in antioxidants, but I will warn you they are also high in natural sugar, so I wouldn't drink these as a weight-loss attempt unless you do a meal replacement with them. And they are really filling so that could work!  But I'm not a doctor, so I'm only telling you to make them because they GOOD! 

If you're interested, you can learn more about the benefits of Acai and an antioxidant-rich diet by clicking here.

And before I go on with the recipe, I feel the need to add that I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've added a recipe that is 100% healthy. HA! I'll try to diversify my recipes page in the future. ;)

Here goes!

1-cup each of frozen strawberries, blueberries, dark cherries
4-pitted Medjool dates
1-banana (I usually peel our bananas when they get spotty like the one below and then freeze them for banana bread or smoothies- that way they don't go to waste!)
3/4 cup Acai juice
1/4 cup orange juice

You can buy these pitted, but these came with the pit. I know Trader Joe's has the pitted ones if you're interested. They are a great source of fiber and make the smoothies taste so sweet!

It's a fitting color for this FSU glass! ;)

Three more bags for later in the week. . .

And ready to freeze for later!

Hope you like!!


  1. YUM! This sounds great and healthy ;) I really need to try having smoothies, I don't think I've ever made one for myself (oops!) lol. And yet they sound so easy, delicious and healthy! Great post, love the pictures too :)


  2. The health benefits of acai berry are plentiful. In my opinion, everyone would enjoy better health if they were to include acai into their regular diet.

  3. The juice and pulp of acai berry are frequently used in various commercial juices, smoothies and other beverages. Studies have shown that a persons blood antioxidant capacity increases within 2 hours of consuming acai juice.

    There are also claims that the acai berry can slow down aging, improve energy levels, strengthen your immune system, help with joint pain, migraines and regulate blood pressure.

  4. Brilliant and delicious. This will be perfect for those mornings of rushing out the door already thirty minutes behind to sit still in Atlanta traffic.

    Plus, they just look pretty. ;)

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  5. awesome recipe, heather! thank you so much for sharing. i could so go for one of those right now...looks so refreshing and the color is pretty too ;)
    your photos are AWESOME!!
    i hope the week has been treating you well and that you enjoyed a blessed easter <3

  6. Yum, Yum, Yum...thanks for the recipe for that. Love me some smoothies. :)

  7. Having the packs already made is such a clever idea. I would love for you to link up to my linky party via:

    Mrs. Delightful

  8. Yum! I love the portion pack idea!

  9. I love smoothies! This one sounds delicious. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  10. This is such a great recipe, we absolutely love it over at - so much so, that we have featured it in our recent "Recipe Round Up: 15 Summer Smoothie Recipes" - Thank you for sharing!
