
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sis!!

Last weekend, we all went down to my parent's house in Monroe, Ga for a birthday celebration for my sister. My mom LOVES to cook and entertain, so family birthday dinners are no small event.

Here is the menu that my mom emailed out two days before (LOVE her :) )
Appetizers:  Shrimp mousse, Texas Caviar, Spinach/Artichoke Hummus, Stuffed mushrooms

Dinner:  Individual Beef Wellington, creamed fresh spinach, sauteed carrots, fruited rice (I may also do Couscous for Maddox)!

Dessert:  Oreo ice cream torte with caramel and hot fudge toppings (I have a homemade frozen fruit torte for Matt)

Beverage:  A new yummy frozen concoction of orange juice, cranberry juice, vodka, lemonade, and Sprite.  A fun drink for a hot Summer birthday celebration :)

Can we say, yum?! I'm definitely already gearing up for my birthday dinner next month. :) We always have such a great time when we get together. Here are some pics from the day!
My Sister's Fam :)


Maddox and Noah

The boys with "Nonna"

Love this boy- the little photographer of the family

The men hanging out in the kitchen

Shrimp Mousse

Texas Caviar

Soccer time with Uncle Matt


So excited that he beat Uncle Matt! :)

Maddox saying, "Close your eyes everybody!" (this is his new thing)

I clearly was not listening because I wanted to get these pictures. . . so again he says, "Close your eyes."

Irritated at this point that we have not all stopped what we're doing, he tries for a third time with a little more emphasis, "I said close your EYES!"

okay :)

And the big unveiling- a pie-cone as he called it. . . maybe an oversized acorn?!

Dinnertime! Oh. my. GOODness- yum! 
spinach balls, carrots, couscous, creamed spinach, Beef Wellington, and stuffed mushrooms

Beef Wellington and stuffed mushrooms

My mom could open a restaurant!

Noah and Nonna

My sis and Noah

Cake time!

Thanks mom and Charles for making birthday celebrations so fun!!


  1. So fun! It all looks so delicious! And I know it was!!

  2. What a fun birthday celebration. Loved seeing all the pictures. Found your blog through the blog hop and really enjoyed visiting. Know what got me: Tennis! We love tennis around here and in matter fact wish we'd be watching some great matches at the US open right now ;) Following!

  3. It definitely looks like your mom could open a restaurant...all of that food looks amazing!

  4. Wow that spread looks amazing! I had no idea your mom was such an incredible cook!

  5. What a blessing to have such big birthday events. Your family is beautiful and that food looks amazing! ~ jen

  6. Hi, I found your blog through a Thursday Blog Hop link and I am so, so, so glad I did! I'm definitely not only following your blog but added your button to the front page of my blog! I absolutely love your blog and we have so much in common! I met my husband first day of sophomore year and we've been together ever'll be ten years this January. We were married May 2009 and just had our first child, a little boy named Ethan. I'm super close to my family and am about to celebrate my own sister's birthday in a couple of days, and I just got such a great vibe from reading your blog. I love, love, love reading about other couples who have been together "forever" since high school. Hooray for young love, right?! :) Anyway, nice to "meet" you and I hope to hear more from you soon!


  7. The food looks so great - she could definitely open a restaurant!


  8. Hw fun! Your nephews are beautiful! Love the blond hair!

  9. Looks like a delightful family day!
