
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Features and Deals!

Thanks to Erica over at Bassgiraffe for featuring our blog today, and to Heather over at Mommy Only Has 2 Hands for feautring our blog tomorrow! What fun surprises! I am definitely feeling the love!

I also wanted to share two fun sites I found. I will take all the help I can get in the fashion department. Especially if I can do it on a budget! Have fun checking these out!

Jewel Mint- Personalize your Jewelry Collection. Jewel Mint offers a style quiz that let's you see what Jewelry matches your style. You might be surprised by how accurate it is :). Based on your preferences from the style quiz, a stylist will create a monthly selection of bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces for you to choose from. Choose your favorite pieces for only $29.99 or buy nothing at all. You're always free to skip a month. There's no obligation and you only pay for items you want.

HauteLook is a private shopping club that gets you access to high-end fashion at up to 80% discounts!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being featured and thanks for the websites! :)
