
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lake Weekend

This weekend we packed six people in our friend's Expedition (thanks Dustin!) and headed out to Greenwood, SC for a weekend getaway with friends. We had a blast!

 Me, Matt, Cara, Ashley, Kemble, and Frank

Watermelons for sale!

 Getting a very elaborate lesson in picking out a watermelon

Boys being boys :)

The life :)

Ice-cream boat!

 Kemble and Ashley

 Frank and Cara

Matt with Kelly's little sister, Cooper, who came up for the day. Precious!

 Here we go!

Clearly much easier for Matt than for me- ha! 

Kelly's brother, Scott- such a sweetheart!

 As Cooper and Scott said... getting ready to "3-2-1 zip it!"

Scott, Kelly, and Cooper

View from the boat- Cara with the perfect wave!

Kemble and Frank

Sorry guys- had to. Please look at their faces- haha!

Ashley and Kemble

Matt- again, had to :)

Playing the best game ever... Think Bowl I think?! My stomach hurt so bad after we finished! New favorite game that Cara and Frank taught us. Hilarious!

Matt doing the charades part of the game- it's kinda dark, sorry!

Bliss: Looks like the Corona ad minus the Corona

1 comment:

  1. Great trip! Must do it again and then many times after that. Love those tubing pictures. Also, in case you wanted to guess "Indian" for my charade, you'd be wrong. I was going for "Safari". ???
