
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Noah's Last Soccer Game of the Season

I love getting to see my not-so-little nephew play sports. Looking at these pictures makes me realize how fast he is growing! I can hardly believe he will be 7 in June. Time flies by way to fast.

Getting the goalie gear on!

This is the part where he asked how many innings were left. Love him. :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dogwood Festival @ Piedmont Park

We have a group that we do "family dinner" with once every 4-6 weeks. I lived with two of the girls at Clemson, and one went to high school with Matt and me. And since we've all been friends for a while, our husbands have become great friends too, which is a necessary bonus. :)

If you live in Atlanta, you know Piedmont Park makes for great people watching whether there is an event going on or not. So this past weekend, instead of heading to someone's house, we decided to hit up the Dogwood Festival at Piedmont Park. Afterwards, we went to Taqueria del Sol for tacos and Yoforia for dessert. YUM!

And then there's this picture. . . a little sketchy looking? nah. haha, in fact, the green herbs in the bags are parsley from our massive plant in the backyard. But it wasn't until I "bagged" them and stuck them in my purse to give to each each of the girls to take home that I realized how questionable they looked! haha- oh well! At least I didn't get searched at the park and have to explain that one. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meet Jackson...

Here it is! The post I promised a week ago! I'm not quite sure how the week flew by that fast, but our sweet little nephew is already 10 days old. He is absolutely precious. Here are some pictures from the hospital the day he was born, and then from his first full day at home. He is such a little angel.

Proud uncle. :)

Papa and Emmie- but since he's the first grand-baby, he may come up with different names! :)

Daddy-son time :)

Last weekend, we brought Karen and Jay lasagna and had dinner with them while 'lil Jackson relaxed in the Mamaroo!

I came over in my Matt's sweats, and Jay told me and Karen we looked like thugs. So we played the part:

Haha. . .  or tried to anyway.

Melt. Love this.
They're both watching the Braves, and stayed like this for close to 45 minutes. Looks like he's a fan already! :)

Looking a little less thuggish. :)